Scripture Reading - 2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

In our last lesson we touched on the general subject of “Fellowship”. We spoke about how it is important to have “good fellowship” with people but we also emphasized how our “fellowship” with God is the most important discussion of the day. One item we did not discuss is the importance of “fellowship” with certain people. Yes, we (ihlcc) said certain people because it is certain that you will not be able to have good “fellowship” with everyone you know. In the three year ministry of Jesus Christ when He lived upon the earth He had an inner circle (intimate ones, those He spent more time with), an outer circle (His followers in general) and a sphere of influence (those whom He made contact with). The inner circle were those who the Lord had a closer relationship with because they spent more time “fellowshipping” together. It stands to reason that those you spend more time with will have a closer relationship because you relate to each other on a variety of issues or principles. Someone asked us (Eric & Angela), “How can I be successful in doing God’s Will?” The answer to that specific question is directly proportional to how successful you are in knowing God. It is not just a matter of studying God’s Word to know His Will but then you must understand the many benefits of doing God’s Will. We (ihlcc) believe that it is impossible to do God’s Word (His Will) from your heart without understanding just how God operates from His Heart. Knowing exactly who God Is first will empower you to at least know how you should treat others to be considered a Child of God. When it comes to doing God’s Will you must understand how God operates so that you will do God’s Will in the same fashion that He (Jesus) would do it. Of course, we will not get everything perfect in our works like Jesus did but even when we produce around 80% of His good works the work is still right in the sight of God. The Lord is not looking for perfection in deed but rather a willingness inside and an obedient vessel outside. Your “fellowship” with God will be revealed in your relationships upon the earth because the more you know about God the more you will realize that “fellowshipping” with certain members in the Body of Christ is a part of your “fellowship” with God. Yes, your “fellowshipping with men” must be selective because those that you “fellowship” with should be like minded with you. Yes, we have seen some problems when those who have a heart for making more money spend too much time “fellowshipping” with those who solely love God’s Word. Why, because there are some in the Body of Christ who believe God is not all about the money but rather the saving and strengthening of souls. We (ihlcc) believe that true wisdom is found in those minority individual who adjust themselves to the people they are around to hold peaceful conversations as opposed to strife filled debates. This does not mean you do as they do but it does mean you feel out those around you to see (discern, recognize) what they are all about (their motive, their passion) and then you adjust your words and actions to help them, if you can. The reason we said, “If you can?” is because if their motives are different from your heart or they mainly want your company (fellowship) to endorse their cause there is a mis-match (disharmony, discord, inner division). Thus no enduring “fellowship” should take place when there is no unity of soul (heart). For how can two walk together unless they be agreed?-Amos 3:3 Yes, you could spend hours conversing with them but as long as your heart desires something else it is not “pure fellowship”. Thus it is not good fellowship. You will meet and greet many people, you will encounter many relationships in this life but only a few people will have a heart similar to yours and those select few people are worthy of your “fellowship” which is your intimate time and attention. This may sound harsh to some people but we doubt that those people who think this is harsh have good intimacy with God. This is because you can never spend enough time with God and for that reason the Lord gave us eternity to try. Thus, our days are limited to 24 hours each day so with working (8 hours or so), resting (8 hours or so), eating (2 hours or so) and movement (2 hours or so) our time of “intimate fellowship” is limited to only a few hours each day. So the wise disciple will give their “first fruits of fellowship” unto the Lord for an hour or so each day leaving maybe a couple of hours for fellowship with men each day. Therefore you must be selective with whom you “fellowship” because it is not wise to invest all your spare time with everyone on a shallow basis without knowing the individual’s hearts on an inner basis. Dear faith friend the simple truth is it takes time to really know people’s spirit, soul and body, so “good fellowship” will cost you your personal time and attention. Remember we said before you can always have “relationships” but you will only have “good fellowship” with those people close to you in heart. So be wise dear child of God and “create fellowship” with those of your same passion (heart) and if you find none living around you “fellowship” more with the Lord Jesus so that He can show you where you fit into the Body of Christ. Once you find your spot (place) in the Body of Christ we (ihlcc) are sure you will find your proper place of “fellowship” with men and perfect (unrestricted and unlimited) praise unto God. Amen.